As per tradition, the German HCI community united themselves at the 2019 edition of the German HCI networking event during the CHI conference this year. As usual, the event was open for all participants. With a record number of more than 900 attendees at the peak, we have shown again how prevalent the German HCI community is.
A total of 25 labs supported the event this year, making it the biggest networking event at CHI. We look forwards to see you all again next year in Hawaii and continue to expand our support base by including more of the German HCI labs in our community.
The supporting labs together published 98 publications (53 full papers, including 1 Best Paper and 8 Honorable Mentions; 28 Late-breaking works, 9 Demonstrations, 4 organized Workshops & Symposia, 2 Video Showcases, 1 Case Study, and 1 Doctoral Consortium participant) at this year’s CHI. To celebrate this academic achievement of the community, we developed a booklet covering abstracts and links to all of these publications. The online version can be found here ( [or provide direct link].
If you are a (German) lab that did not participate this year, but you would like to join in next year, contact us on or get in touch with one of the organizers.
If you are a German HCI researcher (any level of expertise) and would like to be part of the German ACM SIGCHI chapter, don’t hesitate to contact us at to include you as a member. Membership is free.