Inspired by the Scottish tradition of meeting researchers from all over Scotland shortly before going to CHI, this tradition was brought by Offis (Oldenburg) to Germany to bring the German HCI community and friends closer together. The idea of the German Pre-CHI
CHI 2023 in Germany
The Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) will be in Germany for the first time in 2023. General Chairs of the conference are Kaisa Väänänen (Tampere University, Finland) and Albrecht Schmidt (LMU München, Germany). Information about the conference will
German HCI – Virtual CHI 2021 Space
During CHI 2021, we will host a virtual German HCI Space on Gather. Within this space, you can visit the German community and casually meet and chat.Also, the virtual German HCI party will take place there on Wednesday, May 12, 8pm CEST.
Virtual German CHI Week 2020
Invitation to attend the Virtual German CHI Week – from May 25th till May 29th With 83 accepted papers and 34 LBWs, German researchers provided a sizable contribution to CHI 2020. CHI, the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing
HCI research and teaching in the times of COVID19
In times of COVID19 HCI research and teaching faces some important challenges … For exchanging ideas on this issues members of our community recently (co-)organized two online events. These events have been recorded and may be helpful for other HCI
German Pre-CHI 2020
Dear CHI Enthusiasts, we would like to invite you to this year’s German Pre-CHI Event [1] in Ulm / Günzburg (19-20 March, 2020). The idea of the German Pre-CHI Event is to provide an opportunity for researchers from Germany to
Introduction of HCI group at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
On this website we provide a list of all HCI groups at German universities. Additionally, we will present the groups and their work one by one in greater details. The first in this row is the HCI group at Bauhaus-Universität
Einladung zur Mitgliederversammlung am 9.9.2019 in Hamburg
Die jährliche Mitgliederversammlung des GC findet 2019 im Rahmen der Tagung Mensch und Computer (MuC) am Montag, den 09.09.2019 ab 17:40 an der Universität Hamburg statt (Details zum Raum sind dem Programm der MuC zu entnehmen, sobald sie feststehen). Die
German CHI-Party 2019
As per tradition, the German HCI community united themselves at the 2019 edition of the German HCI networking event during the CHI conference this year. As usual, the event was open for all participants. With a record number of more
Invitation to join the first German Pre-CHI Event in Oldenburg
Inspired by the Scottish tradition of meeting researchers from all over Scotland before going to #chi2019, we decided to start this tradition in Germany and bring the German HCI community & friends closer together. Join us in Oldenburg on 11-12