Inspired by the Scottish tradition of meeting researchers from all over Scotland shortly before going to CHI, this tradition was brought by Offis (Oldenburg) to Germany to bring the German HCI community and friends closer together. The idea of the German Pre-CHI Event is to provide an opportunity for researchers from Germany to present their accepted CHI papers and discuss them in a smaller circle. Additionally, it provides an excellent opportunity for younger researchers to get a taste of the quality of work presented at CHI and network with other peers, as well as senior researchers. Therefore, everyone from students to professors interested in HCI is welcome.
The event is taking place over two days and includes an introduction round, paper talks, poster/demo sessions, coffee breaks, walks, lunch, dinner and lots of informal discussions. We are planning to have several paper sessions, in which young researchers will present their paper talks. After each presentation we will have a discussion session, which will include the “usual” CHI discussion, but also comments and suggestions on presentation style, slides, etc. in order to optimally prepare you for a (potential) in-person presentation at CHI.
There will also be an informal poster session during the coffee breaks, where late-breaking works and demos can be presented as a poster. If you would like to bring a demo or show a poster, please get in touch with the organizers regarding how much space you need etc.
For more information see